NGV - CHANEL Opening Weekend.

Client: The National Gallery of Victoria.

Photographer: Liz Sunshine.

Furthering exploration into the historical value of documenting current and authentic relationships between exhibition and viewers, Liz photographed attendees as they experienced the public opening of the Gabrielle Chanel. Fashion Manifesto exhibition at the NGV.

This project highlights the continued value our society places on the contribution of Gabrielle Chanel to twentieth-century fashion culture. A dialogue can be observed between the timeline and design features presented behind glass, and how this compares and contrasts to the stylistic choices of present-day viewers on the other side.

Demographic diversity and personal style of attendees, plus the hints of face masks that can be seen provides historical insight into the visual lifestyle and practical measures of life today.

This project aligns with our aim to tell stories that celebrate the similarities and differences of everyday people, and goal of working towards the pursuit of historical relevance for many years to come. Further, with sustainability in mind, a single light source was used rather than a multiple-light setup, in line with our intention to shoot in a more carbon-neutral way moving forward.